Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DREAM WHEN YOU'RE FEELING BLUE by Elizabeth Berg (fic)

This is a sweet little book for light reading.  It is not chic fic, but it is one that will appeal to women rather then men.  The story takes place in Chicago during WWII.  The main characters are three sisters, Kitty, Louise and Tish Heaney, members of a large Irish family.  Of course they have boyfriends who go overseas to fight and the story centers around family relationships and the girls relationships with these men.  Elizabeth Berg excels in her depiction of the war era.  She manages to allow the reader to enter that era, take a look around and even recognize the products and icons of the times.  She presents a very accurate picture of growing up in the 40s, and if the reader was alive then or had parents who were, they will find themselves in familiar territory.  This is the time when meat was rationed, and people made do with mock casseroles, scraps were saved, people walked or took the bus and danced to the music of Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey.  Women began to enter the workforce and to wear slacks, and no plastic was in sight.

Naturally the sisters are beautiful, and the story is a bit too pat, but it is nice read for a snowy afternoon and a nostalgic trip to a bygone era.

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